I have NEVER been a fan of the idea of a surprise party being thrown in my honor. I don't like being the center of attention. The thought of a bunch of people staring and focusing on me makes me a bit uneasy...okay allot uneasy. I have this bff who is the most thoughtful, selfless person. For weeks she had been teasing me about throwing a party for my bday and I just didn't believe her because we had the whole surprise party convo and she knew I wouldn't LOVE it, but she did it anyway! The night before my bday we went to Texas Road House for dinner and when we walked in there were my closest friends and their hubby's. I think I handled it graciously and honestly I was really surprised. Danny had been in on it and so had Emma (Emma even managed to get her my camera without me knowing). They did a great job of not letting on that they knew. Rachel gave me the funniest gift of enemas, granny panties, denture cream, ya know old lady stuff. It was funny! But Rach, just wait, you will turn 35 someday too! We had allot of fun and laughed tons! It was a FAB evening!
Here's the thing, Heavenly Father has blessed me with the most amazing friends. I truly believe that He has given them to me for many reasons. I'm so thankful to have them in my life and don't know what I would do without them. There are so many other details about this party I could share with you, but they don't mean as much to everyone else as they do to me and I get pretty emotional when I think of them. It was definatly one of my fav bdays and one I wont forget. Thanks Jamie, I love you!
Growing Oak Trees In Containers
6 months ago
I love ya too and I was so excited to be apart of that. Thanks for being my friend and for being so great all these years. I love ya!!!
Hey I have been meaning to say, you are so very welcome. And thank you for not hating me as you said you would. I love you too.
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