Emotion #1: MIXED;happy,sad,worried,nervous,excited! A week ago Caitlin asked Danny and I if she could go to the movies with her friends. I've been really good about "letting go". I let Caitlin and Emma go to the pool without me, I've let them walk to the gas station, so when Caitlin asked me to go to the movies I thought no problem. We agreed that they could if they went to the District. Danny and I have spent Friday nights at Jordan Landing, we've seen what goes on there and we don't want our girls hanging out there. This last Friday was the day. It really hit me that my girls are growing up as I watched them "primp" for their evening out. Caitlin and Emma both got dressed in their fav outfits, did their hair with music blaring, and were as giddy as could be. They had to meet at another friends house and they had to walk because the van was in the shop again (at least it's paid for) and Danny was at work. As I watched them walk down the street, I found myself a bit misty eyed and grateful that Caitlin counts Emma as one of her friends. When we picked them up at the movies they were still giddy and acted just like teenagers. I can't believe this is the next phase of my life. My kids being little went too fast.
Emotion #2: PATRIOTIC. Today I'm home with 2 sick kids, which given what took place today wasn't so bad. Today Pres. Obama was sworn in as the 44th President of the United States. I'm always in awe of things like this. When Pres. Reagan died I was glued to the T.V. I love to see the pageantry and traditions that take place at events like this. As VP Bidden was just about to be sworn in I had Emma and Ryleigh come in and watch the ceremony. I wanted them to be part of history. I wanted them to witness not only the swearing in of a new President but witness the swearing in of the first African American President. I hope my other kids were able to watch it at school. All morning I've been watching the coverage. I loved seeing Pres. Bush and the First Lady welcome the Obamas to the White House and watching them drive to the Capital, seeing all the former Presidents, hearing "Hail to the Chief". I was pretty emotional all morning. I found myself wondering how the Bush's feel about leaving the White House, wondering what the Obama's are feeling and thinking. I may not agree with all that Pres.Bush has done and I didn't vote for Obama, but they have both held the highest office in the land and I think that commands some form of respect. I was raised to be very patriotic and respectful of my country, and putting my feelings about certain leaders and their ideas aside I loved watching the events of today. I found myself feeling very proud to live in the United States. It's defiantly a day to remember.
Emotion #3:EXTRA MOTHERLY. I should be cleaning, organizing, folding or something since I'm home, but I'm not going to. I'm going to waste the day away. I'm going to sit on the couch and cuddle with my 2 sick girls and watch girly movies. They do grow up way too fast.
Growing Oak Trees In Containers
6 months ago
Good for you!! We all need to let the cleaning go once in awhile! And your girls will remember you spending time with them, not what the house looked like!! Love Ya!!
I'm sorry your home with sick kids I know that can be a frustrating thing, but like you said it's also kind of nice to just cuddle with them and enjoy them, because they do grow up way to fast.
I can't believe your cute girls are teenagers already! Crazy.
I'm nervous for the day when all three of my girls will be teenagers at the same time. I hate how fast time goes.
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